For general information about the club and it’s day to day operations, including the most up to date information about events, schedule, and range closures, contact the Rangemaster at 425-226-1563 or rangemaster@rfgc.org.
To contact the board of directors, please email to board@rfgc.org.
To contact the us about the website, please email the webmaster at webmaster@rfgc.org.
Suggestions, ideas, and feedback are welcome.
- Max. age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Junior membership requires parental consent. A junior with two years of membership will have the initiation fee waived when applying for a standard membership.
- Max. age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Standard membership covers member, spouse or partner and children under 18.
- Max. Age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Active Duty Military membership and Law Enforcement Officers has the same rights and privileges as the standard membership above, but it is offers a discount to persons who are on active duty.(Eligible individuals must show current military or LEO ID to request this discount.)
- Min. Age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Senior membership has the same rights and privileges as the standard membership above, but it offers a discount to persons who have Reached their 65th birthday. (Eligible individuals must request this discount.)
Life membership is only conferred upon those members who have rendered the club very distinguished service.
b. Members with expired badges may be asked but are not required to return them.
c. Future badges will have the words: "Property of RFGC" printed on them.