Kids’ Day
Now affiliated with and recognized by the NRA
“Teaching NEW shooters how to be safe, and shoot straight”
Where: RFGC pistol and rifle ranges
When: Sundays 10am – 1pm
May 5, 2024
June 9, 2024
July 14, 2024
Aug 11, 2024
Sept 15, 2024
Dec 8, 2024
Cost: Free for members and non-shooters. $5.00 for non-member children and shooters, up to $10.00 per family.
*Parental involvement and supervision required. NRA trained range safety officers will also be on hand.*
Sponsored by Pinto’s Gun Shop, Renton Fish and Game Club is pleased to host a number of Kids’ Days at the range. Kids’ Days are designed to introduce young shooters to the sport of marksmanship and instill a sense of respect and responsibility toward firearms. Our members volunteer their time, firearms, and ammunition to help teach basic firearm safety and marksmanship skills to young shooters. Although there are range safety officers and volunteers on hand, parental supervision and involvement is required. Safety first. Everything else is second.
We provide a varying selection of rifles chambered in .22 Long Rifle. This small and inexpensive cartridge has very little recoil and is well suited for younger shooters. We also have a wide selection of targets for them to engage, including steel silhouettes, cans, clays, and other reactive targets. The more experienced shooters may choose to shoot targets all the way out to 200 yards. Occasionally, there may be a small centerfire rifle available for the older kids to shoot as well.
Plan on joining us for lunch at our BBQ Grill. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and pop will be available for purchase. All proceeds go towards future Kids Day events.
Pinto’s Gun Shop has donated a beautiful BRAND NEW .22 Rimfire Rifle. Each shooter will receive 1 raffle ticket. Raffle to be held at high noon September 19th. Each shooter will also receive 1 box of .22 ammo per day compliments of Diana Pinto.
Bring more .22 ammo with you, or buy from us for more shooting fun.
TED PITT: | (425) 766-5070 | tedpitt@q.com |
GEORGIA COULTER | (206) 406-4890 |
The bunker is open Wednesday through Sunday during normal business hours unless scheduled for closure.
Call the club if in doubt at 425-226-1563
We offer Junior classification at all of our shoots
Top junior shooter (HOA) in the continental league wins entry into the Adolph Haugen Memorial Match.
Matches are held on the first Saturday of every month! Setup is at 8:30AM. Registration is at 9:00AM. We shoot at 10:00 AM.
Entry Fees:
$15 for RFGC Members, $20 for non-members.
Range fee applies to non-members if they want to continue shooting after the match has completed.
Short Range Precision Rimfire (SRPR at RFGC) is a monthly match held at the Renton Fish and Game Club. It is part of the NRL22 National Club Match program, so you get to shoot locally, but compete nationwide.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, SRPR at RFGC is where you can hone your marksmanship skills, demonstrate your abilities, and share information and experience with your fellow riflemen. SRPR at RFGC is not just shooting paper targets from the bench. We will be shooting targets from all positions, and from various types of barricades.
Stages are designed so different setups will excel in different stages. Your individual skill and familiarity with your rifle will be your best assets. Stages consist of a variety of shooting positions and reactive targets ranging from 50 to 100 yards for the official NRL22 stages. We also offer a couple bonus stages which can be out to 200 yards.
Required equipment:
Recommended equipment:
General recommendations:
Detailed rules for the match may be found here.
All rules are subject to change and may be modified by the match director.
Follow us on PractiScore for the latest event updates and match registration/scores.
Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP Website) is a bulls-eye target sport that is intended for US Service rifles and NRA match rifles. The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) replaced the Office of the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (ODCM) program ran by the Department of Defense.
CMP rules require a center-fire rifle with iron-sights and open bolt indicators. NRA High Power Rifle Rules also apply. Shooters will need a rifle that holds at least 5 rounds and can be reloaded quickly.
Matches are generally held the fourth Saturdays of the month from January through July. Start time is 8:45 AM and matches usually last about 3 hours. The course of fire is 88 rounds at 100 yards.
Entry fees are $10 for members and $15 to non-members. Only club members may use club M1 rifles and purchase ammo from the club for $88 for the match.
The CMP Program has a number of Club M1 Garand rifles that are available for club members to borrow. Please call before the match to confirm availability of club rifles and ammunition. The rifle may be used by Club members only when the following provisions have been met:
The Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) is an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™.
SASS endorses regional matches conducted by affiliated clubs, stages END of TRAIL The World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting, promulgates rules and procedures to ensure safety and consistency in Cowboy Action Shooting matches, and seeks to protect its members’ 2nd Amendment rights.
SASS members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting.
For more information about the Renton SASS club as well as a calendar of events, visit R.U.C.U.S (Renton United Cowboy Action Shooters)
To learn more about particpating in our group at RFGC, contact Derek Mirkle (aka Cedar County Sheriff)
The RF&GC Crushers aka Renton Crushers is a youth shotgun shooting program working to sustain and grow youth shooting sports by providing coaching, competition and financial support to our athletes who benefit by learning safety, accountability, teamwork and citizenship. We compete in the shotgun sports of trap, sporting clays and skeet. Anyone from 5th grade through college is eligible to compete.
The Crushers practice on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month September thru June at 11:30. We invite any interested parties to join us for a free practice and coaching before making a decision to join. We are part of a national and statewide organization. More information can found at USAYESS.org and WAYESS.org.