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Club History
The Renton Fish & Game Club is a sports conservation club. The bulk of our 40 acre site is preserved as a wildlife sanctuary. All sorts of plants and animals make their homes on the club grounds. The club engages in numerous conservation activities throughout the year such as stocking streams with fish as part of the Bellevue Stream Team and acting as stewards of Cavanaugh Pond. The club participates in several conservation projects around the state every year.

Eye and ear protection are required on all firearms ranges. A waiver form must be signed by guests each time they visit the range.
Rifle & Pistol 10 AM - 6 PM
- Max. age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Junior membership requires parental consent
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Standard membership covers member, spouse or partner and children under 18.
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Active Duty Military membership and Law Enforcement Officers has the same rights and privileges as the standard membership above, but it is offers a discount to persons who are on active duty.(Eligible individuals must show current military or LEO ID to request this discount.)
- Min. Age
- Annual Dues
- Active Member Dues** Active members are members in good standing who have documented at least 20 hours of volunteer work at the club, and have renewed prior to July 1.
Senior membership has the same rights and privileges as the standard membership above, but it offers a discount to persons who have Reached their 65th birthday. (Eligible individuals must request this discount.)
b. Members with expired badges may be asked but are not required to return them.
c. Future badges will have the words: "Property of RFGC" printed on them.
Club Name
The name of this organization shall be THE RENTON FISH AND GAME CLUB, INC. 17205 S.E. 144th Street Renton, Washington 98059
Objects of the Club
- To establish and maintain a social, educational, scientific, historical, and benevolent club.
- To inspire and promote good fellowship among those who hunt game, shoot firearms and archery recreationally, and competitively, and angle for game fish as a sport.
- To restore, conserve, and propagate the wildlife, game, game fish, and flora of the State of Washington.
- To interest others in the wildlife, game, game fish, and flora of the State of Washington.
- To disseminate information regarding the sport of hunting, conservation and propagation of wildlife, game, game fish, and flora in the State of Washington.
- To engage in campaigns, enterprises, and programs for the aid of the restoration, conservation, and propagation of the wildlife, game, game fish, and flora of the State of Washington and campaigns, enterprises, and programs for the aid of worthy charitable, benevolent, and other institutions and objects and in civic events.
- To establish and maintain various shooting facilities, and a Club House and place for social meetings of its members.
- To buy, own, sell, mortgage, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of real estate, personal property of any nature whatsoever, as may be necessary in the accomplishment of the foregoing purposes and objects of this corporation.
Section 1. The annual meeting of the club shall be held on the first Thursday of December of each year. The annual report shall be given at the first Thursday of February meeting. Revised 09-2007
Section 2. The Board Members and Officers shall be elected at the December Election meeting and sworn into office at the January meeting. Revised 09-2007
Section 3. Ten (10) voting members in good standing shall constitute a quorum. Revised 09-2007
Section 4. The Club Member and Board meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month. Revised 09-2007
Governing Body
Section 1. The governing body of this club shall consist of a Chairman of the Board who shall act as President, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Game Warden and seven (7) Directors. The positions of President and Vice-Chairman shall be filled by two duly elected Directors and decided by a vote of the full Board of Directors. Revised 09-2007
Section 2. The voting members of the Board shall be, The Chairman of the Board, Vice-Chairman, and seven (7) Directors.
Election of Directors and Officers
Section 1. Nominations for officers shall begin at the regular September meeting and shall close at the end of the November meeting.
Section 2. Election ballots will be made available two (2) weeks prior to the December meeting for all club members eligible to vote and unable to attend the December meeting. Revised 09-2007
Section 3. Election shall be at the December meeting. All officers shall be elected to a term of one (1) year, except the treasurer, who shall serve a term of two years. Each year three (3) Directors shall be elected to a term of three (3) years. Any member who has been a member in good standing for two (2) consecutive years and have attended six (6) Board or Member meetings in the eleven months (January through November) prior to the annual election shall be allowed to be nominated & elected to a Board position. All election of officers shall be by secret ballot and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected and shall take office at the following meeting. Revised 04-2018
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy arising at any time in the above offices set forth in Article III the Board of Directors shall have the power to fill such vacancy by appointment, which appointment shall run until the next annual meeting, except for the office of Chairman which shall automatically be assumed by the Vice Chairman, who shall be duly sworn in at the next regular meeting after the office of Chairman has become vacant.
Section 5. All full members must have attended at least two (2) Board or membership meetings in the eleven (11) months prior to the election to be eligible to vote on amendments to the by-laws, or to vote in the annual election of officers. Exception: paid full-time employees at the time of the vote, will have full voting rights without the two required meetings. Revised 02-2020
Section 6. Any officer of the Club who misses four (4) Board meetings in any one calendar year shall have his or her office declared vacant, except Directors. A Director may miss not more than four (4) Board meetings per calendar year, or his or her office shall be declared vacant. Absence of a Director from a meeting may be excused by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Revised 09-2007
Section 7. In the event of an Officer”s or Director”s absence due to unforeseen circumstances causing the Officer, or Director to miss more than four (4) meetings in one (1) calendar year, the Directors by a simple majority may reinstate the officer or director.
Directors, Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside at all meetings of the club. The Chairman shall have the power to appoint all committees. The Standing Committees shall consist of: Archery, CMP, Cowboy, Grounds, IDPA, Pistol, Rifle, USPSA, Trap, Bunker, Membership, Conservation, and Safety. The Safety Committee shall consist of the following persons: Chairmen of the Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Shotgun, Grounds, CMP, Cowboy, IDPA, and USPSA, together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Revised 09-2007
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairman to assume the powers and function of the Chairman in the event of the Chair being absent from the meeting, and in the event of the office of Chair becoming vacant.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep full minutes of all meetings of the Club. To prepare, maintain and perform such duties relative to this office as may be authorized and directed by the Board of Directors or resolution of the membership. Upon expiration of the Secretary”s term of office, he or she, shall be released by the Board of Directors upon turning over all books, papers and other property of the Club to the Chairman of the Board, and upon qualification and installation of the new Secretary.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to account for all monies received by the Club. The Treasurer or designee shall deposit any monies received by him or her in a bank or banks to be designated by the Board of Directors, and shall pay all bills, the payment of which shall be approved and ordered by the Board. Payment of all obligations shall be by check, drawn upon a bank or banks as herein provided. To make at each regular meeting of the Club a report of all receipts and disbursements and to perform such other duties relative to this office as may be authorized and directed by the Board of Directors or membership. The Treasurer shall turn over all monies, books, papers and other property of the Club to the successor in office as soon as the said successor shall have qualified, and the outgoing Treasurer shall have been released by the Board of Directors. Books and records shall be kept in accordance with generally recognized accounting procedures. Revised 09-2007
Section 5. The Game Warden shall keep a ledger of all membership meetings and shall have all members in attendance at said meetings sign their name and card number. Revised 09-2007
Section 6. The Board of Directors shall have the power, and it shall be their duty to have general supervision of the Club and its activities, books, accounts, monies, and properties and to audit the books and properties of the Club annually. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to make to the Club at each meeting a full report of their actions and proceedings and to perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them by the Membership. It shall be their duty to preside over any by-laws changes which may legally affect the Club. Five (5) Directors in attendance at a regular Board meeting shall constitute a quorum. Under no circumstances is this article or any other portion of these by-laws to be interpreted as giving the Board of Directors the right or power to sell, rent, mortgage, lease, hypothecate, spend, or otherwise dispose of Club real estate without the express permission of the general membership.
Section 7. The Board of Directors shall have the power to promulgate such rules and regulations as will promote safety and carry out the purposes of the Club.
Section 1. Any person eighteen (18) years or older, and of good moral character who is a true sportsman and is interested in the objects of the Club shall be eligible for membership. All members in good standing with proper qualifications are assistant range masters and safety committee members when on club grounds.
Section 2. Any person under the age of eighteen (18), may become a junior member of the Club by paying $1.00 annual dues. Junior members are required to post their date of birth with the Chairman of the Membership committee. Upon attaining the age of eighteen (18) years, a junior member, having been in good standing for two (2) years or more, shall become a full member upon approval of the membership chair, and by paying current dues, without initiation fees. A Junior member must receive written permission of his or her parent or guardian to enter any shooting activity sponsored or held by the Club or any part thereof, unless accompanied by their parent or guardian. Revised 09-2007
Section 3. Any member in good standing who leaves the general area of the Club, enters into the Armed Forces, or wishes to withdraw for health reasons and to become inactive in the club, may apply for membership withdrawal. Applications must be submitted to the club in writing and approved by the Board of Directors. Members who have been granted withdrawal privileges, will be reinstated as full members upon payment of the current years pro-rated dues. Revised 09-2007
Section 4. Applications for membership and receipt of annual dues and initiation fees shall be referred by the membership chair. New members shall be assessed dues based on the date of their application for membership on a pro-rata basis of one-twelfth (1/12th) of the annual dues for each month or portion of a month remaining in the membership year. Revised 09-2007
Section 5. The dues and initiation fee of the club shall be set by resolution of the Board of Directors. Except as provided for in Section 6, the initiation fee is a one -time charge, and shall not be charged again if the member leaves in good standing, and later returns. Revised 09-2007
Section 6. If a member has not renewed their dues upon the end of the membership year (June 30), they will no longer be considered a member and range privileges will be denied until such time as they have renewed their membership. They may continue as a daily gate fee payee in order to access the range and be subject to the same restrictions that a daily fee payee has, or they can renew at anytime during that year by paying the full year”s dues. Once the second anniversary of membership expiration passes, the membership will be terminated and if the member decides to join the club again, they will be required to pay the initiation fee upon application for re-instatement as a member. Revised 09-2007
Conflict of Interest
Added 09-2023
Section 1. Except as otherwise approved by the Board of Directors of the Club, no Director shall have any material interests, direct or indirect, in any dealings of the Club, its affiliates, or any competitor of the Club, which creates any conflict, or which might be construed to create any conflict with the duties and responsibilities of the Director.
Section 2. In the event there comes before the Board of Directors a matter for consideration or decision that raises a potential conflict of interest for any Director, such Director shall disclose the conflict of interest as soon as such director becomes aware of it.
Section 3. Except as otherwise approved by the Board of Directors of the Club, any Director who is aware of a potential conflict of interest with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Directors shall not vote in connection with the matter.
Section 4. The foregoing requirements shall not be construed as preventing or discouraging any Director from disclosing relevant information with respect to any matter as to which such Director has knowledge or from answering questions or stating a position with respect to any matter.
Section 1. Any member shall have the right to prefer charges against any officer or member of the Club for alleged violations of the club”s rules or by-laws. Such charges shall be made in writing and submitted to the Board of Directors. Upon receipt of charges the Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint a committee of three (3) members, none of whom have preferred charges against said officer or member. Said committee shall investigate the charges and render a full report of their findings to the Board of Directors. In the event that the Board of Directors determines that said charges are well founded the Board shall render a full report at the next regular meeting for such action as the Club may elect. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership present and voting shall be necessary to cancel membership and expel said member from the Club.
Section 2. Any member charged with a violation of range rules or range safety may have his or her Club privileges suspended by the Safety Committee until formal charges may be submitted to the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The By-Laws of this corporation may be amended in the following manner: The suggested amendment must be submitted in writing to the Secretary by a member in good standing at which time it will be recorded and read to the membership. The suggested amendment must be read at the two (2) following regular Club Member/Board meetings and at the last reading voted on by only those members eligible to vote on amendments to the By-Laws, as defined herein. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the eligible members present shall be necessary to amend or add to the By-Laws. Revised 09-2007
Section 1. In the event of a dissolution of the RF&GC any remaining assets shall be donated either to non-profit corporation/s whose agenda supports the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States or another shooting facility/s. Provided that all organizations receiving any of the assets of the Renton Fish and Game Club shall meet the requirements of the Washington Non-Profit Corporation Act or successor statute as applicable. Determination of the recipient/s of RF&GC assets will be obtained by a positive response to a mailed ballot vote determining said recipient/s by those members eligible to vote.
Indemnification of Directors and Officers
Section 1. In the event any officer or Director should be sued for acts or omissions arising out of the performance of his or her responsibilities on behalf of the RF&GC, or by the statutes of the State of Washington, the RF&GC shall indemnify such officer or Director for all costs and awards made against him or her as a result of such litigation, provided that, if it is determined by a court of law that the officer or Director in so acting violated any gross misdemeanor or felony statute, then the right of indemnification recognized in this Article shall not apply. Revised 04-2018
Shotgun Ted Pitt |
Archery Ted Pitt |
International Trap Ted Pitt |
Cowboy Derek Mirkle |
Conservation Gary Emerson |
ASI Robb Wolfe |
Grounds LaMarr Hood |
IDPA Scott Johnson |
Hunter Education Gary Emerson |
USPSA Dave McClure |
Pistol Lamarr Hood |
Rifle Lamarr Hood |
SASP Tim Ralston |
CMP/Hi-Power Don Miller |
Fishing OPEN |
Short Range Precision Rimfire Victor Vuong |
Membership OPEN |
Newsletter OPEN |
For general information about the club and it’s day to day operations, including the most up to date information about events, schedule, and range closures, contact the Rangemaster at 425-226-1563 or rangemaster@rfgc.org.
To contact the board of directors, please email to board@rfgc.org.
To contact the us about the website, please email the webmaster at webmaster@rfgc.org.
Suggestions, ideas, and feedback are welcome.