From: Sen. Pam Roach
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:21:44 AM
Subject: Clay Targets Double Tax Bill - SB 5831

To Washington Sportsmen's Caucus members,

The bill to eliminate double taxing clay targets at trap shooting clubs was filed just yesterday − SB 5831. Sponsors include Senators Ann Rivers, Don Benton and me, Pam Roach.

SB 5831 is assigned to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. But bills do not move themselves. In order to generate forward motion for SB 5831, your outreach and influence will help to get the bill heard in Ways and Means Committee, as well as (later) listed for executive session whereby the bill would have a chance to advance out of W&M committee. Customarily, most of the agenda of legislative committees is controlled at the pleasure and direction of the committee chair, Senator Andy Hill in the case of Senate Ways and Means. All Ways and Means Committee members are listed below with contact email and office phone contact information.

A point to clarify: the bill description assigned for SB 5831 (shown immediately below) may mislead any cursory reader to conclude that gun clubs are simply trying to opt out of paying sales tax altogether, which is far from the truth. Your clarification is important: as you may speak with senators on the Ways and Means Committee, or their office staff, be sure to clarify that the intent and text of SB 5831 is to actually eliminate double taxing of clay target inventory − clubs having to pay sales tax at BOTH the purchase of target inventory AND at the sale of the clay targets to shooters. A full copy of SB 5831 is attached.

SB 5831 description illustrating the misnomer in bold
1 AN ACT Relating to providing a sales and use tax exemption for clay
2 targets purchased by nonprofit gun clubs; adding a new section to
3 chapter 82.08 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 82.12 RCW; creating
4 a new section; and providing an effective date.

My best to you as always, your work now is critical in correcting this problem that's coming from the Department of Revenue.

Pam Roach
State Senator
Washington Sportsmen's Caucus chair

From: Kirry, Charlie
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:18 PM
Subject: FW: Clay Targets Double Tax Bill - SB 5831

Dear Sportsmen,

Announced just this morning -
SB 5831 regarding DOUBLE TAXATION on clay targets will be heard in the Senate Ways and Means Committee Tuesday, February 26 at 1:30 p.m., Senate Hearing Room 4 in the John A Cherberg Building on the capital campus. Your attendance is highly advisable if possible.

This hearing is the opportunity to give testimony to senators on that committee, explaining in open hearing what's going on with this double taxation and your reasons to support SB 5831. Or to just show up, registering your support for those making the case. Filled seats in the hearing room speaks volumes.

In the meantime, it's still important to contact Senators on the Ways and Means Committee, explaining your views, especially regarding the misnomer in the bill description that it's simply about a tax exemption. The DOUBLE TAX aspect needs to be firmly understood because by reading the bill description it sounds as if you're simply asking not to be taxed at all.

In any case, we can be thankful that SB 5831 has cleared the hurdle of getting a hearing. It will be heard. More power to you as you continue the case for SB 5831.

Charlie Kirry
Aide to Senator Pam Roach
(360) 786-7660

Click here to view SB 5831